Some thing. That I have.
The Andrew Jackson Legacy
Published on February 14, 2008 By Cedarbird In History
I'm in History 1700. Gen Ed history. We're studying about The Era of Good Feelings all the way to 1850 right now. I have a test tomorrow on it, in fact. And as I was reading about the election of 1828, it got me to thinking. Mudslinging has been around since 1824 in American elections, and we've almost always pulled through. So, here's the deal: At least these aren't our choices.

John Quincy Adams portrayed Andrew Jackson as and adulterer. Why? Because when he married his wife, on a technicality she was already married. Oops. Her divorce wasn't final yet, so technically it was adultery. Bad move on Jackson's part. Also, he was an ANGRY man...a brawling frontiersman, a mean-spirited soldier, and a *gasp* slave owner (in the eighteen hundreds, from the South? shocker!)

Jackson painted Adams as a pimp. See, during his presidency, Adams would supply hook-I mean, "ladies of the evening" to Russian Ambassadors. During HIS PRESIDENCY. So, it was just a pimp running against an adulterer for 1828. Who won? The adulterer, Jackson. Now, THAT's a fun presidency, but a discussion for another day.

I'm so glad we have neither running this year.

Oh wait! I forgot Bill...well, maybe history will repeat itself...though this time it's the victim running, though occasionally we get confused as to who is running in that marriage...

I think I'm in a mean mood.

on Feb 14, 2008

Jackson also moved all the injuns across the Mississippi.  He wasn't a fan of them redskins. Oh, but one cared.


on Feb 14, 2008
Oh, but one cared.

And nowadays? It's the illegal immigrants! Yay!

Who says we can't learn anything from history class?
on Feb 15, 2008

Hillary has been Bill's pimp for decades now.  Part of the job of the pimp is protecting the prostitutes from being abused by the customers.  Eveytime any woman tried to expose Bill for what he is, Pimp Hillary went to work attacking the woman to protect her ho.  In fact, it is the only thing she has 35 years' experience doing.

It was far too long ago to be a serious campaign issue, but it's well known that after returning from Vietnam, John McCain often cheated on his wife.

So, I guess we have 1824 all over again. :~D


Good luck with the test!
on Feb 15, 2008
So, I guess we have 1824 all over again. :~D

Good luck with the test!

1828. Come on, Ted, get it right. You got that question wrong!

Thanks, hopefully I'll do well, good thing I rock at History...
on Feb 15, 2008

Oops. ::: goes to stand in the corner with my nose against the wall ::::   ;~D


History Rock.. "Mother Necessity", "Elbow Room", "I'm Just a Bill"... Classics!!

on Feb 15, 2008
Oops. ::: goes to stand in the corner with my nose against the wall :::: ;~D

History Rock.. "Mother Necessity", "Elbow Room", "I'm Just a Bill"... Classics!!

I remember the bill one.
on Feb 17, 2008

Well at least someone is learning that in politics, not much is new except the voters!

I love history so I have studied a lot of it, and yea, I know that mudslinging is no worse than it use to be.  WHat is worse is the press!  First acting like it is, and then doing it with the feigned innocence of "whome"? 

When it comes to dirt and politics, the only really difference is the speed in which people learn about it. Remember that the next time some talking clown is pontificating on a campaign going negative.

on Feb 21, 2008
So, the new story that came out in the New York Times? McCain's alleged affair?

hahahahahahahaha! We ARE in 1828!!!!
on Feb 21, 2008
hahahahahahahaha! We ARE in 1828!!!!

Nah! McCain was not born until 1829.
on Feb 21, 2008
Nah! McCain was not born until 1829.

Well, duh, I was being figurative. Of COURSE 1828 is before McCain's time! Gosh, I knew that.