Some thing. That I have.
Will it Blend?
Published on January 24, 2008 By Cedarbird In Movies & TV & Books
I just found the way to end the writer's strike, ladies and gentlemen. Finally, I can have more of my lovable TV shows!

heh heh heh...

on Jan 24, 2008

Hell yeah!


By the way...isn't it funny how people as simple as writers can upset our very lives when people in developing countries have never even laid eyes on a TV? 

Either way, I writers back on show detail, damnit!


on Jan 24, 2008
No kidding. All this "drama," so to speak, for a lousy two percent pay raise? Just give it to's not that big of a deal, and I want my Pushing Daisies back!

Good grief. When will it end!?
on Jan 24, 2008
No kidding. All this "drama," so to speak, for a lousy two percent pay raise? Just give it to's not that big of a deal, and I want my Pushing Daisies back!

I want the quality writing I've grown fond of back in my political satire shows!


on Jan 24, 2008
And looky! I posted a video all by my own self!