Oh, well. I didn't get the job. I got my letter earlier, Dear ******, Thank you for applying, we're so impressed with all of our applicants, unfortunately, we can not offer you a job as a resident assistant at this time. Better luck next time.
Oh well, I'll get over it. Right? I mean, it's not like I expected to get it, I blew my interview and my former boss gave me a three sentence letter of reccommendation. Meh.
Who wants to work for them, anyway? Not me. I can do so much better, blah, blah, blah....still sucks to get rejected. Though I guess I should be used to it. I'm rejected all the time. In drama, in life, in love, everything. It shouldn't hurt like this.
Oh well. I'll mope for a couple of days and then be fine. Right?
My best friend and I are going out to celebrate tomorrow, he got the job. Sometimes I think life would be easier if I was a boy.