Yes, this is a spammer, but I couldn't resist.
Maybe I should be naming this articles "Would You Ever..."
After hearing about shaved heads , new piercings, and tattoos, I'm curious. What have you thought of doing but would never do?
Me for example, partly because of my religion and partly because I'm just a big chicken would never do a lot of things. I know some of you would, but what wouldn't you do?
I would/have never...
1. Shave my head. I've always wondered what I'd look like bald, but I'm just too chicken to do it.
2. Die my hair funny colors. Or any colors. I think I'd look stupid with anything but my black locks.
3. Get a piercing anywhere but my ears.
4. I would never get a tattoo. WAY too permanent. Again, I think I'd look dumb with one.
5. Practice action movie stunts in my car. I always wonder if I could do some of those things, you know, if stuff like that is even possible.
6. Kiss someone I don't know.
7. Try to seduce someone. I keep hearing all of this crap about women having special abilities with men. Magic woman powers. I don't have them, and I'm too scared to ever try.
Upon reviewing this list, I realize that I'm a big pansy. I should live a little.
What about you? Have you ever wondered about something but never worked up the guts to do it? Did you do it?
Tell! Tell!