So about two and a half weeks ago, I was with the college radio station at our university's club fair. At the table next to me was one of my classmates and a friend of his. Out of laziness, the classmate will be called T and the friend will be called D from here on.
The first time I meet D, he starts making fun of me. I have very prominent veins, a phlebotomist's dream arm. He is immediately attracted to these veins, I think he might be a vampire. Anyway, I want to kill this kid for teasing me.
Later that week, I walk into the radio station and who do I find but T and D, doing an airshift together. For some reason unbeknownest to me to this very day, we all start hanging out. It's actually pretty fun. After T went to class, D and I hung out for like, four hours, just goofing off because we happen to have very similar senses of humor.
After I go home that night, I get a mystery text, "Hey, it's D. I got your number from T, I know, creepy, right?"
Kind of. But flattering.
Then I go home for Labor Day. You can ask SanCho, D and I were texting practically nonstop all weekend long. Stupid SanCho. He's the one who informed me that I have a crush on this kid. After the holiday, I decide I want to introduce this kid to Supernatural, because he'd never seen it. Naturally, because it's an awesome show, I converted him.
The second evening of late night Supernatural he informs me that he likes me a lot and wants to date me. *whimper* I've been burned enough that I'm very nervous about this prospect. I mean, I liked him a lot, and was scared to screw it up and get hurt again. So I was honest with him and told him that I didn't know if I wanted a relationship right now. He was very sweet, telling me that it's okay, that he'll wait until I'm no afraid anymore.
Anyway, after all the sweetness and to make a long story short, Cedarbird has a new boyfriend. A person who, by the way, is a bigger geek than her. And I love it. He calls me adorable and amazing. He likes my nerdiness. He likes my intelligence, and my love of Star Wars. All the things I was once ashamed of I'm complimented on.
He wants to teach college English and be a writer. I want to talk for a living.
I hope it works out, that neither of us screw this up, because we both see the potential of our relationship. And both of us have messed up in the past. We're both so scared it's almost funny, or it would be if it wasn't so scary.
But I'm happy.
He makes me laugh everyday.
He treats me with respect.
He likes me for me, not just because he saw some cute girl. And we get along GREAT.
I hope it lasts.